Monday, January 19, 2009

Best Social Networking Site for Readers?

Dear Author is asking bloggers to vote on their favourite social network for readers. Thus far, my favourite network Shelfari is coming in at fourth with only 16% of the votes. It does have it's issues. For one thing, I hate that it's so "widget-like". I would much rather it be more text-based like Goodreads or LibraryThing. I'm just not really in the mood to switch, though. It would mean having to export all of the books that I've selected in Shelfari and then importing them into a new network (i.e. selecting them all over again). They really have to offer me a good incentive to move my collection. It's not ridiculously large, but it would still take at least an hour out of my day to do that. Plus, I kind of really prefer the Visual Bookshelf on Facebook anyway. I keep that updated the most, and I even write reviews on it when the mood strikes.


Unknown said...

I really love Goodreads. It's kind of like Facebook for readers. It did take me a long time to get all my books into it, but it pays off. I find the interface more userfriendly than Library Thing. I've never tried the other ones though. I've been totally happy with Goodreads.

Beth F said...

I have books on LT and a presence (but no books yet) on GR. I haven't yet decided if those sites are for me.