Thursday, December 25, 2008

Booking Through Thursdays

Booking Through Thursdays asks:
What are the most “wintery” books you can think of? The ones that almost embody Winter?
While I haven't finished reading it, I would say Orhan Pamuk's Snow is probably the winteriest book I can think of. It's still on my TBR pile, as I had borrowed it from the library and couldn't finish it in time before it was due back (and with a 100+ person waiting list, I couldn't renew it). What I remember vividly from the first chapter was the description of a remote Turkish village, covered in a thick blanket of snow, as we are introduced to Ka, the poet who has finally returned after twelve years of exile. It was so wildly different from the image I have of Turkey in my own mind, that it stuck firmly. It's hard not to when the story begins thusly:
The silence of snow, thought the man sitting just behind the bus driver. If this were the beginning of a poem, he would have called the thing he felt inside him the silence of snow.
With that, I bid you a Merry Christmas. :)


Terri said...

That's an intriguing little bit!

I haven't visited your blog before, it looks inviting. Will take a little tour later.

Merry Christmas Olga!

Beth F said...

Good choice! Merry Christmas

SmilingSally said...

Good answer. Merry Christmas. Here's my post.

Staci said...

I checked this book out a while ago but never got around to reading it. I would like to get back to read it sometime....

Merry Christmas

gautami tripathy said...

I too have Snow in my TBR pile. Must read it soon.

My BTT post is up!