Friday, March 13, 2009

Blogging Schedule

Wow, maintaining a daily blog is hard stuff. I’m not giving up yet, though. I love to read and I love to blog, so I don’t see how these two can’t happen together.

Starting next Monday I’m going to blog based on a schedule. I think this will help tamp down the terror I feel each time I think about the Punnery. Terror felt largely because I can’t think of what to post. Sure, I have lots of content, it just needs to be organized.

So here is my upcoming schedule. This is subject to change at a whim, but don’t worry. You’ll know when I change things up.


Author spotlights—news, reviews, possible interviews (fingers crossed!) and everything else about authors, both old and new.


Book reviews—I started this blog as a book review and damnit if it’s not going to continue being a book review blog!


Publishing news—anything related to the book industry: social media, publishing houses, industry speculation, etcetera, etcetera.


Booking Through Thursdays—while I’m not a fan of memes, BTT consistently puts out great questions about your personal reading habits and I love answering them.


Blog carinval—links to notable book reviews that I’ve read in the past week.

It’s pretty bare bones, but this is the ideal amount of content I would like to publish on this blog. I don’t want to get too ambitious for fear of burning myself out or simply overwhelming myself with work. However, I still want to put forth some effort into this because I enjoy it and I think it will improve with time. Hopefully you’ll come along for the journey!


Karen Harrington said...

Sounds like a wondeful, weekly schedule! I'll be sure to tune in.

Olga said...

Thanks Karen! I'm glad you like it.

Beth F said...

Sounds like a doable plan. Blogging is supposed to be fun, not work!